Pomoc se založením firmy
Company Formation

NEW LTD. (S.R.O.) for 6 910 CZK
We create a company according to your request and provide guarantees for its successful registration.


New LTD company in Prague

It has never been easier and faster to found a new Ltd. (s.r.o.). We will establish a new company for you within one week at an unbeatable price, which includes all fees.
We are able to found a new s.r.o. even within one day. The day the company is founded you can already have a statement from the Business Register.
Would you like to know more? Contact us at 800 47 47 47.

Registration of self-employed

2 700 CZK
  •   Registration of self-employed, business for individuals
  •   Administrative fee for trade licenses
  •   Registration for income tax for self-employed


Company formation

6 910 CZK
  •   Notary fees
  •   Administrative fees
  •   Registration in the Business Register


* Prices do not include VAT.

Price includes:

  • Notary fees
  • Administrative fees
  • Registration in the Business Register
  • Preparation of all the documents
  • Consultation

Company Foundation

Do you need advice on founding a company in Prague? Don’t you know how to create the articles of association or partnership agreement? Don’t you have time to deal with local authorities?

Let us help you! COMEFLEX Office will open a company for you, which will meet all your necessary requirements and will be in accordance with applicable legislation, and will precisely match the needs of your business and your ideas.

No hidden charges, comprehensive service and countless additional services for your comfortable and carefree business.

Arrange an appointment with us right now and let the professionals establish your company!

How to Proceed

  • Order
    Please contact us using the form on the website or call the information line on 800 474 747.
  • Consultation and figuring out the requirements
    We are ready to help! First, we will discuss the main parameters of your new company. You will share with us your idea of the requirements for the structure of the company, name, scope of business, legal address, amount of capital, the number of board members etc. Based on that we will prepare draft statutes and discuss together the final version.
  • Preparation of necessary documents
    After the final version of statutes is approved, our legal department will prepare all documents required for the foundation of the company and its registration in the public registers.
  • Negotiations
    We will arrange an appointment with a notary in the shortest time possible, usually within two days. At this meeting, your company will be officially founded and you will receive a copy of the founding document from the notary.

Advantages to found a company with us

  • Speed
    It takes up to days to start your business in the company of your preferences.
  • Convenience
    We solve everything in one place during one meeting.
  • No risk
    Your company is registered under applicable law.
  • No administration
    You can fully concentrate on developing your business and let the professional company take care of administration.
  • Integral services
    Professional company will arrange notary and legal services, including preparation of all documents required for listing in the public register for you. Thus, you will not forget anything.

Why to found s.r.o. with COMEFLEX?

  • Guarantee
    We guarantee the ultimate successful registration of your trade license in the Business Register. In the case of fail, we return 100% of the price.
  • Reliability
    Trust is important for us. We help entrepreneurs to run their businesses successfully already since 2001.
  • Expertise
    We will prepare all necessary documents for the registration and advise you what is required for successful registration.
  • Experience
    Our experienced professionals will consult you about all the steps that should be done after the registration. We have developed and time-tested approaches for all the operations.
  • Integral Services
    Apart from the registration of the trade license, we are helping our clients to operate with minimum cost. We offer integral services that include provision of legal address, commercial space for rent, administrative services, accounting, phone line and more.

Other services

Legal Address

We offer virtual office and real offices for your company in our Office Centers at prestigious addresses in Prague and Czech Budejovice.

Company Registration

It has never been easier and faster to found a new s.r.o. We will found a new company for you within one week at an unbeatable price, which includes all fees.

Ready made Ltd.

READY MADE COMPANIES FROM 12 900 CZK. Ready made is a preregistered company for sale to the end customer.

Representation at the offices

We can help you save your precious time. Instead of spending whole days in lines and dealing with administrative stuff you can either work or have fun.

We will establish a company exactly according to your ideas and pay the registered capital up to 100 % for you. No hidden or additional charges!

ltd company registration with financing capital

We offer financing of capital through foundation of ready made preregistered company especially for you according to your requirements. You specify the company name, ownership structure, number of directors and amount of capital.

It takes up to 48 hours to found a company for you in Prague or in Czech Republic. You can start your business immediately after transfer of ownership. In addition, we are able to solve everything for you without your personal presence. We solve everything via virtual communication and power of attorney.

Price includes:

  • Consulting and legal services everything that relates to business in Prague and within Czech Republic
  • Preparation of contracts and documents for registration of amendments
  • Administrative fees, stamp duties, verification of signatures, conversion
  • Organization of transfer, submitting of changes to the court
  • The company is registered with opportunity to operate in any of the 80 areas of business around Czech Republic
  • Possibility to register in some particular area of business is in price
  • The Company has a fully paid up share capital in any preferred amount
  • Registration of corporate income tax in Czech Republic

Založení firmy na klíč
Comeflex služba pro zástup na úřadech

Company Foundation

Do you need advice on founding a company in Prague? Don’t you know how to create the articles of association or partnership agreement? Don’t you have time to deal with local authorities?

Let us help you! COMEFLEX Office will open a company for you, which will meet all your necessary requirements and will be in accordance with applicable legislation, and will precisely match the needs of your business and your ideas.

Get your own new company within 48 hours from the comfort of your home or office! We will take care of all paperwork in the shortest possible time!

Questions and Answers

  • Anonym

    I know that in case if s.r.o has a problem, I will risk with all my property. With this in mind, before I open s.r.o., I would like to make a transfer of ownership of part of the house to another person. I am not sure whether I risk with the property that I own when a problem occurs, or the property that I owned when the company was founded. Or does it matter that I owned part of the house half a year ago?

    • Comeflex Office

      Limited liability company is a completely different entity than you as a physical person. Therefore, as a physical person you are not responsible with your property for your business idea. Only up to the amount of outstanding share capital. As a shareholder, i.e. owner in this case, you should not have any concerns about your property. The situation is slightly different in the function of executive director. The executive director is the person who is responsible for the commercial activities of the company and acts on behalf of the company externally. This person is risking with to the property in case of committing a crime or fraud. Even then, the scope of responsibility of the executive against the third party.

  • Anonym

    I am interested in s.r.o. company. I wonder what it takes to found a company if I am a self-employed and already have a trade license?

    • Comeflex Office

      You are opening a new, independent legal entity, new s.r.o. You should apply for a trade license for this entity, and therefore it is necessary to complete the registration process again. Nevertheless, you have a bit of an advantage. It will be easier for you to demonstrate your competence in the area of this trade license.

  • Anonym

    What is the purpose of initial capital and what is the minimum amount of the capital we should invest into the company? Is it true that it is possible to found a company having only one crown as initial capital?

    • Comeflex Office

      Yes, you can found a limited liability company with investments to initial capital equal to CZK 1 from each shareholder. Thus, if the company has only one owner the initial capital can be only one crown. We would not recommend it though. Our recommendation is to invest at least CZK 20 000. Initial capital is mostly required to develop your business on first phase. If you have registered capital of one crown, founding the company itself and payment of administrative fees directly connected with it will lead the company into negative equity. Then as a shareholder of the company, you will have to borrow money business operation. Why is initial capital important? As I have said, initial capital is your source of money to run the company in the beginning. The amount of initial capital is also important for the banks when they approve loans, suppliers or customers in the process of bargaining contracts, and thus, serves as an indicator of stability of the company. Finally, state authorities also pay attention to the amount of initial capital. For example, when applying for a license in cargo traffic (trucks over 3.5 tons), the regional authority requests to prove financial capacity of the company.

  • Anonym

    I need s.r.o., but I do not have time to come to you. Is there way out?

    • Comeflex Office

      Hello, you are interested in a limited liability company and ask if we can transfer the rights on you without you having to come personally to Prague? Such a possibility exists. If you send us your personal data by email, we will prepare a power of attorney, application form and contracts, and send back to you for signature. We will do everything for you.

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